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电话: 021-62096286
传真: 021-62090900
姓名: Andy Tsui
PROMAX Electric

  Promax is a electrical and electronic products distributor in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. . Promax leverages local resource working with General Eelectric, Schleicher Electronic , Mitsubishi Electric to satisfy market demands. Promax also works closely with Taiwan electrical and electronic companies for international trading business. We believe integrity, professionalism, and clear communication are keys of success in business....

主要产品/业务: Promax is a electrical and electronic products distributor in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. . Promax leverages local resource working with General Eelectric, Schleicher Electronic , Mitsubishi Electric to satisfy market demands. Promax also works closely with Taiwan electrical and electronic companies for international trading business. We believe integrity, professionalism, and clear communication are keys of success in business.

PROMAX Electric / 上海 / Rm 1003, No.30, Tianshan Rd., Shanghai 200336, *域名隐藏* (200336 ) / 电话:021-62096286

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